Sunday, February 10, 2013

Presentation by Clarence Fisher

Recently we had the privilege of speaking with Clarence Fisher, who is a teacher in Snow Lake. He had a short, but excellent discussion with us through Skype while his students were in Gym class. So I would just like to start off by saying thank you to Clarence, for sacrificing your break to share your thoughts with us!

If you have it - use it, and use it well!
This is one thing I took away from the discussion with Clarence. He spoke about the importance of actually using the technology that is available to you, and using it in meaningful ways. In other words if you have a SmartBoard in your classroom, use it. And not just as a screen! If you have computers in your room, use them. If you have cameras available to you, use them. You get the picture. Many classrooms may have these tools available, but are not necessarily using them to their full potential. But in the same breath, the way in which these tools are being used needs to be meaningful. As Clarence put it, "the use of technology needs to have a deeper reason than just being interesting and fun." As teachers we need to think about WHY we are using the technology; how will it be beneficial for the students? What will they learn from it?

Clarence also shared with us some of his experiences doing collaborative learning projects. He connects with classrooms around the world using Skype. His students will Skype with these classrooms, whether it is just to have a discussion or work on a project together. I love love love this idea; there is so much learning that can be done! I really enjoyed the story Clarence told us about Skyping with a class from L.A. To make a long story short, through discussion with the students in L.A. his students were able to appreciate the privileges they have living in a rural community. Privileges such as riding their bikes at night! I think this is a wonderful realization for the students. It may be a small insight for the students, but an insight nonetheless! Everybody who lives in a small rural community should realize just how awesome it is! (Do I sound biased??) Okay perhaps I am. I grew up in a small town, and I loved it. Sure, I had a half hour bus ride to school every day, and I had to travel at least 15 minutes if I wanted something from the grocery store. But still, the pros heavily outweighed the cons believe me!
While on this topic, once upon a time I took a PD presented by Devon Caldwell on SmartBoards (which by the way I recommend everyone take). She shared with us things she does in her classroom with the SmartBoard (among other things). Something her class always takes part in is collaborative learning projects via Skype. I believe she was the first person to introduce me to this idea, and since then I have been very anxious to try it! Though sadly I have not yet tried. One day though, one day. I do recommend checking out her blog if you haven't already, she has some great ideas and resources on there! Here is the link:

On that note I think I will sign off on this blog! This cold I have is really kicking my butt. It is only 8:30 and I am ready for bed... Sad? Ah well. Goodbye iPad, hello Tylenol Cold, and goodnight world!


  1. I was really impacted by Clarence suggesting that teachers ask 'why' before using a piece of equipment/technology. I had never thought about why I am using it other than that's what we're supposed to do. However, he is so right, we need to have a much deeper understanding of why we are using technology and internet resources in order to make the use of such tools worthwhile. So I encourage us all to ask 'why?'

  2. Wow, your blog is so bright and colorful! I love it. I thought it was very nice of Clarence to skype in with us, even thought he has a very busy schedule. The fact that he gave up his spare to chat with us, is pretty cool. I agree that technology is increasing in importance and it is important to always stay up to date!

  3. Great blog post Adrienne. I really appreciate you sharing your small town experience with us. It is great that you recognize the opportunities that Skype will provide your students. You will have to keep us posted on whether you were able to do it in your next placement.
    Also, thank you for sharing the link to Devon's blog. I am sad I missed that PD session. Maybe I can catch it somewhere else sometime in the near future.

  4. Class skyping would be wonderful to do.
    We should have asked Clarence if he had any bandwidth or technical issues getting started. It would be nice to be able to prepare in advance.

    1. That has been an interesting part about this whole class: the general 'bugginess' of interacting via skype/adobeConnect/facetime. It drove it home to me to how cutting edge and new these tools are in the classroom and how no 'standard' exists that states for educators what to use to interact with one another (for better or worse).
