Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Digital Footprint

In many of our classes we have discussed the concept of our digital footprint. As I briefly discussed in a previous blog post, my digitally footprint is basically non-existent to the public eye. In a previous blog I had also shared the results of my google search. That was when I googled my name only 1 result came up (that was actually me), and that was my Pinterest boards. While writing post, I figured I should google it again... You know just in case a typing changed. Well it turns out that now my name will give 2 results; my Pinterest boards AND the comments I made on Lisa's blog! I do enjoy that I have my privacy, but at the same time I feel that I need to create a more public digital footprint.

Being close to the end of my Education degree I feel that this is a necessity. I believe I took my first step by creating this blog. But I do not want to stop there! As I have said before my goal is to create a bigger (is that the word I am looking for??) online presence. What I really want to do first is create an online portfolio. I know this will take me forever and a day, because I will want it to be flawless, and then I will worry about making it public, and then I will want to change it again, and so on. But the day I hit the publish button instead of the save will be a great day! I also want to be a more frequent educational tweeter! (Who would have thought I would be saying that right)

The Edublogger that I follow posted a really good infographic entitled "Managing your Personal E-Reputation." (I will tell you more about her in a blog that is yet to come! ) Here are a few details which were on the infographic that stuck with me:

- 48% of recruiters refer to personal websites when deciding whether or not to hire you.
- 78% of recruiters check search engines to find out more about potential employees.
- 8% of companies have fired someone for abusing social media

Here is the link to the infographic: Check it out!

Yikes. Staggering, but yet not surprising statistics. Although I think this blow was softened for me by first hearing about it from George Couros. It makes you realize just how important your digital footprint is to your career.

I will take this advice and I will set my own reputation. I will be alive online soon enough!


  1. Interesting thoughts! It's great that you are expanding your digital footprint. I too was skeptical of making many things "open" to the public but I too feel that it is important. I think creating an online portfolio is a great thing to do, I created mine last year in Mike's ICT class and I still am updating it and plan to use it in interviews! It's a great asset to have!

  2. I'm like you Adrienne - my Google search of myself brings up hardly anything. I used to think this was good, but I'm now more aware that putting my name out there in positive ways could make a good impression for employers. I have an open Twitter, blog and portfolio now and I'm slowly adjusting to make a more open digital footprint. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

  3. Wow, those percentages really make you think about what you have on the internet. Even though you have nothing to hide, a percentage like "78% of recruiters check search engines to find out more about potential employees," really makes your stomach sink a little bit. Good informative post!
